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» Ear Tag Central » USDA Swine PIN Tags

Official USDA Swine Premise (PIN) Tags


The Swine Premises Tag consists of a tamper-proof button and a visual panel stud. Each tag carries the official US shield, the assigned alphanumeric seven character standard PIN (Premises Identification Number), State postal code of the PIN and a notice stating “UNLAWFUL TO REMOVE.” Space is also available on the visual panel for producers wanting to include an individual management number.


Program Details:

• Tags must be applied prior to harvest channel entry

• Tags must have premises ID number and shield

• Cull sows and boars are required to have PIN tag

• PIN of last farm required

• Available in a wide range of colors



• Supports comprehensive disease surveillance programs

• Improves trace-back accuracy, speed and efficiency

• Meets USDA and pork industry standards

  USDA Swine PIN Tags
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Official USDA Swine Premise Identification Number (PIN) Tags - Destron Fearing
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Official USDA Swine Premise Identification Number (PIN) Tags - Destron Fearing

Destron Fearing Hog Max – Official USDA Swine PIN Tag

  • Non Member Price: $1.07

Official USDA Swine Premise Identification Number (PIN) Tags - Allflex
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Official USDA Swine Premise Identification Number (PIN) Tags - Allflex

Allflex Global Integra Hog Male – Official USDA Swine PIN Tag

  • Non Member Price: $1.42


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