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» Ear Tag Central » 840 Visual Tags » Y-Tex 840 Visual Tags

Y-TEX Official USDA Electronic and Visual Identification tagsThe New Y-Tex Round RFID tag and Y-Tex All American® Identification tags (1-Star, 2-Star, 3-Star and 4-Star Visual tags) are approved for use in the USDA-Animal Identification Numbering Management System (AINMS). These tags have been approved for use in the Official program separately or together to create matched sets. All Official USDA-AINMS Identification Tags are tamper evident and will be imprinted with the following information:

  • AIN (15 digit 840 number)
  • US Shield
  • Unlawful to Remove
  • Y-TEX Logo
  • Optional Management number (Visual tag only)

  Y-Tex 840 Visual Tags
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Official 840 4-Star Large Visual Tag Set from Y-Tex
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Official 840 4-Star Large Visual Tag Set from Y-Tex

Official 840 4-Star Large Visual Tag Set from Y-Tex

Non Member Price: $1.44

Official 840 3-Star Medium Visual Tag Set from Y-Tex
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Official 840 3-Star Medium Visual Tag Set from Y-Tex

Official 840 3-Star Medium Visual Tag Set from Y-Tex

Non Member Price: $1.55


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